East to West

Tomorrow, the first of July, we celebrate Canada Day and I was thinking about how fortunate I have been to recently travel to both the east and west coasts. It’s an expansive, diverse, and beautiful country, and I am grateful to live here.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians, and if you live south of the border, happy Fourth of July!

Boundary Bay, British Columbia

A silky Cape Breton sky.

Cape Breton bog flora. Below: Pitcher plants

All images © Karen McRae

63 thoughts on “East to West

  1. Happy Canada Day to you and thanks for another post of great photos. You do have a beautiful country up there. I have fished and canoed in Algonquin Park, spent some time along the train tracks between Cochrane and Moosenee, flown into a few Quebec lakes (to fish for trout) and of course visited Niagara Falls on you side. You people keep a neat country. Thanks for welcoming us to visit it.

      1. It does not surprise me that you have not been to Niagara Falls. You seem to like nature as you find it; without bright lights and hubbub. I am the same way and only go to tourist places when friends ask me to
        join them. Thanks for the nice reply.
        PS: I always wanted to get to Shefferville before they damed it up and flooded the area but I never did. If I remember correctly it is on the border of Quebec and Labrador, NFL.

  2. As far as I remember, they are the most greenish photos in your collection 😉
    I can see how joyful you are 🙂
    By the way, the 10th photo (2 before your National flag 🙂 ) is it Nepenthes ?
    Are they in your country ?

    1. Hi Yoshizen, yes we have Nepenthes here. These ones pictured are growing in a bog in Cape Breton. I didn’t know that word, actually. We call them Pitcher Plants.

  3. The image under a ‘silky Cape Breton sky’ stood out to me so much – it looks like a painting. All beautiful photos Karen – Happy Canada Day! What a fitting last image! Lovely beautiful stunning calmness 🙂

      1. Thank you! A bit too much tequila for me 😦 But it’s always nice when everyone is celebrating! PS No rules in blogging right? You can comment back whenever you like! You’re doing great Karen!

  4. Such lovely landscapes and details you have captured here. I’m thrilled to be celebrating Canada Day for the first time – via a Canadian road trip. I’ve gotten to know the country a bit more this summer, and what a beautiful one it is! Happy Canada Day to you.

  5. You were so close to where I live when you were at Boundary Bay, Karen! I cross the border fairly regularly.

    Also, we have a great, award-winning brewery here in Bellingham named after Boundary Bay.

    Love all of these photos, but that last one is exceptional. Stunning!

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